If your soul needs a hug, eat panettone from Fede!


Flour, butter, egg yolks, citrus fruits, vanilla, honey, raisins, chocolate, sugar, only first choice, only known origin, no compromise!
No preservatives or chemical additives!
The culture for good health and physical well-being leads me to choose only the best!
Having the fortune of being able to choose from a wide range of products allow me to select not only quality, but also production ethics!
Authenticity, sustainable production, love for the land and satisfaction of the palate...nothing more!

The Sourdogh

Every sourdough starter is unique in the world, because it is born from the unique characteristics of the flour and water it is made of and the bacteria naturally present in the environment in which it develops. It must be kept alive by periodically refreshing it with new flour and fresh water rich in oxygen.

My living sourdough yeast is very old, it is about 90 years olden I have been taking care of it for 15 years.
It was given to me by a historic venetian pastry shop and since then I have taken of it and kept healthy every day!
It is made of the best flour and the best water, it is a happy yeast and it gives me great satisfaction!
I respect its lifespan because it is alive and its rhythms are not marked by the clock.

The Water

I'm very lucky to live in a place where water flows naturally from the ground, every house has its own fountain, there is not aqueduct!
The water is very pure, always fresh at the same temperature all year round because it comes from great depths.
I have it analysed regularly and every time the results are of extremely quality!
My grandmother, I remember, drank a glass every morning as soon as she woke up and I have resumed this habit of hers.

Production Time & Temperature

In my laboratory there is not clock!
The production times are marked by the healthy yeast that at the right temperatures develops and gives the best of itself!
For an excellent product you need al lot of skills and knowledge, the maturation of the dough is a question of aroma, flavour, acidity, color and development, all characteristics that I have learned to appreciate and understand with many years of experience and tests.

Only Handmade

I think there is not greater satisfaction than being able to create something with your own hands!
Each Panettone passes through my hands five times and each time it is changed in different processing phases.
From the union of simple ingredients to the to the flowering in the oven, a real magic!
I try to instils great peace and energy every time because I believe that the love with which you do things is transferred trough your hands to what you touch!
Touches of magic!


Where dreams become true!

Good air, good water and good earth of Italy

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Fede The Star Shaper S.r.l.s. Unipersonale
Via Pietro Sola, 7/A, 31059 Zero Branco (TV)
P.IVA: 05443650261 - REA: TV-444137
Cap.Soc.: € 3033
PEC: fedethestarshaper@legalmail.it